7 Powerful Ways to Use ChatGPT as a Bug Bounty Assistant

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Bug bounty hunting is a fast-paced, high-reward game that requires a mix of automation, creativity, and persistence. While tools like Burp Suite, Nmap, and Subfinder help with reconnaissance, ChatGPT can be your secret weapon for hacking smarter, not harder.

In this guide, I’ll show you 7 game-changing ways to use ChatGPT in bug bounty hunting—from writing recon scripts to crafting perfect bug reports.

Let’s dive in.

1️⃣ Automate Recon with Custom Scripts

Recon is time-consuming, but automation helps. ChatGPT can generate Python, Bash, or JavaScript scripts to automate common tasks like subdomain enumeration, parameter discovery, and HTTP probing.

Example: Subdomain Takeover Scanner

Prompt: "Write a Python script to check for subdomain takeovers."

ChatGPT Output:

import httpx
subdomains = ["test.example.com", "old.example.com"]
for sub in subdomains:
response = httpx.get(f"http://{sub}", timeout=5)
if "not found" in response.text:
print(f"Possible subdomain takeover: {sub}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error checking {sub}: {e}")

✅ Saves time

✅ Customizable for your workflow

✅ Works with large wordlists

2️⃣ Bypass WAFs with Smarter Payloads

Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) block common attack payloads. ChatGPT can help generate encoded, obfuscated, or lesser-known payloads to bypass them.

Example: XSS Payload Obfuscation

Prompt: "Generate an obfuscated JavaScript payload for XSS."

ChatGPT Output:

var a = String.fromCharCode(97, 108, 101, 114, 116);
var b = "(document.cookie)";
eval(a + b);

✅ Works against strict WAFs

✅ Supports multiple encoding techniques

✅ Reduces detection risk

You can also ask ChatGPT to generate SQL injection payloads, SSRF vectors, or JWT token tampering tricks.

3️⃣ Find Hidden Endpoints in JavaScript

Manually parsing JavaScript files for hidden API endpoints is painful. ChatGPT can analyze JavaScript code and extract potential API URLs automatically.

Example: Extracting API Endpoints

ChatGPT Output:


✅ Speeds up API testing

✅ Helps identify undocumented attack surfaces

✅ Works well with tools like LinkFinder

4️⃣ Debug Vulnerabilities & Optimize Payloads

Stuck on why a payload isn’t working? ChatGPT can analyze errors and suggest fixes.

Example: SQL Injection Debugging

Prompt: "Why is my SQL injection payload UNION SELECT 1,2,3 not working?"

ChatGPT Output:

Column count mismatch? Use ORDER BY to find the right number of columns.

WAF detection? Try mixed case (uNiOn SeLeCt), comment tricks (-- -), or encoding.

Non-UNION injection? Try Boolean-based SQL injection.

✅ Saves time troubleshooting

✅ Works for XSS, SQLi, LFI, SSRF, and more

✅ Helps refine PoC payloads

5️⃣ Automate API Testing & Fuzzing

APIs are goldmines for vulnerabilities like IDOR, rate limiting issues, and authentication bypasses. ChatGPT can generate scripts to brute-force API parameters and fuzz endpoints.

Example: IDOR Testing Script

Prompt: "Write a Python script to brute-force API parameters."

ChatGPT Output:

import requests
url = "https://example.com/api/user?id="
for i in range(1, 100):
response =
requests.get(url + str(i))
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f"Valid user found: {i}")

✅ Useful for IDOR (Insecure Direct Object References)

✅ Can be modified for JWT testing, rate limit bypass, and API fuzzing

6️⃣ Explain Complex CVEs in Simple Terms

New vulnerability drops? ChatGPT can break down CVEs into simple explanations with exploit ideas.

Example: Understanding CVE-2024-XYZ

Prompt: "Explain CVE-2024-XYZ in simple terms."

ChatGPT Output:

"This vulnerability allows remote code execution due to improper input validation. The attacker can exploit this by sending a crafted request that bypasses authentication checks."

✅ Saves time reading long CVE reports

✅ Helps generate PoC exploits

✅ Improves understanding of new attack vectors

7️⃣ Write Clear & Concise Bug Reports

A great bug report increases your chances of getting a high bounty. ChatGPT can structure your report professionally, making it easier for security teams to understand the impact.

Example: IDOR Bug Bounty Report

Prompt: "Write a bug bounty report for an IDOR vulnerability."

ChatGPT Output:

Title: IDOR in /api/user?id= Exposes Other Users’ Profiles

Description: The API endpoint /api/user?id= allows unauthorized users to access other users' details by changing the id parameter.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Log in as User A.

2. Navigate to https://example.com/api/user?id=10.

3. Change the id to 11, and you will see User B’s data.

Impact: This vulnerability exposes sensitive user information and violates privacy policies.

Recommendation: Implement proper authentication checks to ensure users can only access their own data.

✅ Well-structured for security teams

✅ Increases bounty approval chances

✅ Saves time writing long reports

Supercharge Your Bug Bounty Hunting with ChatGPT

ChatGPT isn’t a hacking tool, but it can be a game-changing assistant in bug bounty hunting. Here’s how to use it effectively:

✅ Automate recon & scripting (Python, Bash, JS)

✅ Bypass WAFs & generate smarter payloads

✅ Extract hidden API endpoints from JavaScript

✅ Debug vulnerabilities & optimize exploits

✅ Automate API fuzzing & rate limit testing

✅ Understand CVEs & new vulnerabilities quickly

✅ Write professional bug reports for higher bounties

By integrating ChatGPT into your workflow, you can hack smarter, find more bugs, and maximize your payouts.

Here are some prompts I have used for Recon 😀 :

Team @BitPanic